Time To Shop Around For A Maternity Hospital? Start Here!

Reading Time: 6 minutes Our takeaways: Start thinking about your ideal maternity hospital early because the learning curve is steeper, the medical system is complex and other factors might influence your decisionmaking. The maternity hospital plays at least an equally important role as your practiioner (i.e: obstetrician or midwife) in your overall laboring and Read more…

The Ultimate Labor And Delivery Process Flow For Expectant Parents

Reading Time: 6 minutes Our takeaways: The labor and delivery process differs by person and perhaps that’s why the pregnancy literature doesn’t seem to be consistent in defining the stages. A process flow with general reference points (i.e: cervix dilation, contraction frequency, and duration) for each labor and delivery stage would be helpful for Read more…

Fancy a successful delivery? Form your dream birthing team!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Our takeaways: Pick your dream birthing team members whose philosophies align with yours, and more importantly, whom you can see yourself working with in a physically- and/or emotionally-challenging condition. Expect potential changes in the dream team as the pregnancy and your maternal and fetal health evolve. While forming your birthing Read more…