Baby-Making After Covid? You Might Want to Consider Ovulation Tests

Reading Time: 5 minutes Our takeaways: COVID-19 may have a say in your ovulation timing. Ovulation tests can’t guarantee a pregnancy, but they can help you predict what your fertile days are with higher confidence given the uncertainties presented by the bigger environment. Different manufacturers of LH tests have very different recommendations on the best Read more…

Do you have a pregnancy lifestyle vision board? Start here!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Our takeaways: A pregnancy lifestyle vision board helps parents-to-be envision their lifestyles during pregnancy, foresee changes, and adapt & adjust in advance. It also serves as a collection of the knowledge you’ve learned, the decisions you’ve made, and the guardrails that you will mostly stick to when you actually get Read more…

More folate-rich food? Uncover veggies in Asian grocery stores

Reading Time: 3 minutes Our takeaways: Many Asian vegetables are rich in folate/folic acid, which can expand your folate intake food sources or provide alternatives for raw veggie intolerant people. Flowering might impact the folate richness of the same vegetable (i.e: choy sum). If there’s no Asian stores around, you might be able to Read more…